Latest Past Events

Screenagers: “Under the Influence”

Nagel Middle School 1500 Nagel Road, Cincinnati

Join Screenagers filmmaker Delaney Ruston as she picks up her camera once more to examine the impact of our digital age on teens' decision-making in relation to substances such as vaping, drugs, and alcohol. Exploring the latest research and learning more about the personal experiences of teens and families, the film highlights the changing landscape […]

Do It for Jack at Forest Hills School District Parent Academy

Nagel Middle School 1500 Nagel Road, Cincinnati

Part of the Parent Academy and sponsored by Step Up Anderson Township John and Stephanie Quehl share their story of the tragic death of their beloved son Jack when he was accidentally poisoned with Fentanyl.

Anderson Towne Center Fall Fest

Anderson Towne Center

Fall Fest was enjoyed by the Anderson Community. The Step Up Anderson Township booth theme was “Be Kind to your Mind” for Red Ribbon Week. Step Up was able to provide great drug prevention information as well as a raffle for the BIG bear and lots of candy for the Trick or Treaters. 1 Fall […]